Smart Student Homes
in Newcastle under Lyme

Keele University
Rents from £114 per person per week including bills
Local landlords offering smart student living with no admin fees
Our 3 & 4 bed properties are close to Newcastle town centre and come with double beds in all bedrooms
Please enquire for 2025/26 availability

07870260662 / 01782751286

Our Story
We are local landlords living just 10 minutes drive from Newcastle
We are accredited under the North Staffs Landlord Accreditation scheme with all properties inspected and approved under this scheme
Having been in the business of letting to students since 1996, we have established a friendly rapport with our tenants and have listened to their views on the requirements for student living
With this in mind, we have been able to provide smart well maintained accommodation designed to ensure a comfortable environment for study and relaxation where students can live in style in a home to be proud of